1) Battle of the Wills Infants.

When cells began they had one will, one purpose, one goal, TO EAT.Cells Eat

And when the cells began to stick together and even begin to make complex organisms, each of those cells had one will, one purpose, one goal, TO EAT. Without the will the organism is not as likely to survive. We do not want to break any child’s will by overpowering them with our own. We want to enhance and direct their will with love.Still Food

And when that baby is born, every cell in its body had one will, one purpose, one goal, TO EAT.  There is nothing you can do to change that.

This will does transfer to other things as the infant grows such as the will to walk, will to talk, will to get all their needs met. If you break the will of a child you have taken away part of their will to live to the fullest.

BABYBut human babies, toddlers, children, adolescents, and adults also love many other things, a lot. One of those items is a loving parent, a mother figure. Some babies can not live without them. It is that bond that is the key to bend their wills enough to include what your will wants also.

01Infant Personality

Infants are born with immature Uper Natures, fear is their strongest widget. What an infant needs is all their needs met as quickly and gently as possible.

Stage One: The Perceptual stage is their main stage until they are 10 years old. This is how they absorb the world. Perceptual they need to stare in your eyes and smile back as you smile. They love to hear enthusiastic voices and movement. They will learn then to look at and try to mimic and thus learn to  manipulate their world.  Lots of hugs and kisses. Dance with them in your arms. Sing to them. Show them lots of brightly colored toys and things around them. Let them play with the light switch. They will make the connection.

Stage Two: Emotionally what they are learning is love and trust. Give them your word and keep it. Lots of love and hugs and ‘I love you’ over and over. Too much fear will develop the Lower Nature, that will pop up later when it is able to make itself visible in behaviors.

Stage Three: Intellectually they are learning to handle the world and will by nature begin to understand gravity by throwing things. They are learning distance and space by moving around. As they move their arms and legs and touch things their inner rhythm and tempo will measure the space and time in handling things. They are making a model of the world inside by handling everything and putting things to their mouths. They are also listening to your words and implanting the rhythm of basic words.

Stage Four: In the fourth stage they are discovering their MYSELF and physically learning mobility. Their Lower Nature is not very active other then to cry hard, older infants may hit, they may ignore you if they feel slighted, and they may withdraw and not respond at all but fall asleep when they are very afraid. Fear is their biggest widget and is what will lead to the development of the Lower Nature too soon so do not scare you infants.

If your infant spends their first few months or more crying from unknown pain, usually from colic gas, you want to get out your best walking shoes and start pacing back and forth with them trying to comfort them. My first Grandson cried so hard and long his parents took turns pacing with him while the other one wore ear plugs and head phones to try and get some sleep until their turn to pace. This went on for seven months. But it paid off. As a young adult he is the most caring and loving young man I know of. The child from hell turned into the loving saint. All that attention paid off.